Tag Archives: Kanagawa

Enoshima Island Tour

Hi everyone! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Well, I haven’t abandoned this blog. Just been focused so much on my other blog. Plus the fact that I no longer live in Japan has made it more difficult for me to regularly post about Japan. However, I intend on posting here once a week again.

To begin, let me reintroduce you to a video series I’m doing called A Taste of Japan. I’ve done several videos in this series already. Here is the most recently published video, all about Enoshima. There will be more than thirty more videos in this series. Please enjoy!

As you may have seen, it’s a fairly long video, and may be one of the longest in this series. But I hope you found it informative and interesting. If you have any comments, please leave them in the comments section below!

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Filed under Fujisawa, Japan, Kanagawa, Vlog

The Always Energetic Yosakoi Festival

Here’s episode 2 of A Taste of Japan. This time, I attended a festival in Sagamihara called the Ranbu Yosakoi Festival. Great energetic dancing! Please watch the video.

I Read Encyclopedias for Fun

Last weekend, during my lunch break, I was able to go to the Ranbu Yosakoi Festival in Sagamihara, Kanagawa. Yosakoi is a type of dance that began in Kochi City in 1954 as a modern alternative to the more traditional Odori dance. This festival is held every year in September. They make plenty of noise! A lot of the music used is quite modern, and the dances are always very energetic. Very fun and uplifting.

In case you’re wondering, yes, I did take a video. And here it is. This is episode 2 of A Taste of Japan. Be sure to watch all the way through, because I have a full performance in this video.

Interested in seeing more? I’ll have a lot more Japan videos coming in the near future, and lots from famous tourist sites in Japan in October. So, please subscribe to my YouTube channel to…

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Filed under Festivals & Events, Japan, Kanagawa, Minami-ku, Sagamihara

A Local Japanese Festival

I’ve begun a new series on my YouTube channel called A Taste of Japan. I’ll be making videos of different events, places, and culture in Japan. This is episode 1 of A Taste of Japan.

I Read Encyclopedias for Fun

At the shrine near my home, there’s an annual festival in September that features local dance clubs, cheerleading clubs, a taiko drum club, and singers. In the past, there’ve been professional enka singers, but not this year. I took a few videos, and now, my new series on YouTube has begun.

Here is episode 1 of A Taste of Japan.

I used Windows Movie Maker, as it appeared the other video editor I was using has informed me I must now buy it. I get roughly the same result with WMM, though.

If you have any comments or questions, you know what to do. Oh, and subscribe to my YouTube channel already!

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Filed under Festivals & Events, Japan, Vlog

Life in Japan: My Travels

I was asked where I’ve traveled to in Japan. Surprisingly little. I regret not doing more.

I Read Encyclopedias for Fun

I came to Japan to see it all. Did I? No, not at all.  But there are some things I am very happy to have seen.  This week’s question is from S. R. Carrillo. She asked many questions, didn’t she?

Where all have you traveled?

Odawara Castle in the rain with a couple cosplayers in front. Odawara Castle in the rain with a couple cosplayers in front.

Surprisingly, I haven’t traveled very much in Japan. I live in Kanagawa, which is just south of Tokyo. I’ve also been to Tokyo, of course. The other prefectures I’ve been to are Saitama, Chiba, Yamanashi, and Shizuoka.

In Kanagawa, I’ve lived in Yokohama, Kamakura, and now Fujisawa. I’ve also visited Odawara, Yokosuka, Kawasaki, Sagamihara, Isehara, Chigasaki, Hiratsuka, Zushi, Hayama, Miura, Oiso, and Yamato. I think the highlights are Kamakura (many temples and shrines), Odawara (castle pictured above), Fujisawa (with Enoshima), and Yokohama (technically the largest city in Japan).

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Living in Japan: Favourite Thing

I got a big question his week. Check out my answer.

I Read Encyclopedias for Fun

It’s now April 20th, one year from our big move to Canada.  And in honour of that, Sierra has given me one of the most difficult questions to answer.  Thank you very much! Of course, if you have any questions, please post them on the original post here.

S. R. Carrillo asked this whopper of a question:

What’s your favorite part about living in Japan?

Hasedera in Kamakura Hasedera in Kamakura

Well, Sierra, this is a rather difficult question to answer because I love so much about Japan.  However, I would have to say that one of my favourite things to do is sightseeing.  In particular, old temples and shrines.  I love exploring different places.  The area i live in is so rich in history and historic sites that I haven’t seen them all.  And I lived in Kamakura, one of Japan’s old capitals.  I’ve seen the major sites, but I haven’t…

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Filed under Japan, Kamakura, Kanagawa

A Shonan Beach Walk

It’s been a while since my last post, but I’m here with a big one.  Lots of photos for you to enjoy.

My family went to Kamakura today for lunch and a long walk.  We started off at Kamakura station and walked down to Kua’Aina, a Hawaiian hamburger restaurant that we really love to eat at.  I had a bacon mozzarella burger.



After lunch, we went down to the beach and enjoyed the view.  It was 15 degrees and sunny, and there were several surfers out.



The kites were out, as well.  They’re always around the beach looking for food.  They do a lot of hunting, but also tend to go after food that people have.  I took a video of the kites.


And here’s my daughter enjoying the beach.






After passing Inamuragasaki (the above picture), we could see Enoshima.  However, right below this picture, something interesting was happening.  In fact, a woman asked me not to take pictures.  But…


…after walking a while, I turned around, zoomed in, and took a picture.  They were filming a TV drama.  In Kamakura, there are a lot of TV shows shot.  Not just dramas, but also variety shows, food shows, and more.  There are also a lot of rich and famous people living in the city.



The famous Enoden train goes along the coast in southwestern Kamakura.  We saw a couple trains go by.


We entered Fujisawa, near Enoshima, and I saw an orange Lamborghini, though I’m not sure which model.  However, it appeared to be quite recent.




This is the last photo I took on our walk.  However, it wasn’t the end.  This was taken around Enoshima, and I zoomed in on the small sailboats.  Not so clear in this photo, though.  We continued walking until Tsujido Station in Fujisawa.  It was a total of 13.68 km. Not bad.  That’s our usual walk.


Filed under Fujisawa, Japan, Kamakura, Kanagawa